Showing posts with label relationships. Show all posts
Showing posts with label relationships. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

I don't get it

 So I don't know why I thought this man would be any different Than any other. Men that I have dealt with in the past because, at the end of the day, they're all men. And. Their base instinct is bullshit. And maybe I shouldn't say bullshit because. They're men and they are driven off similar things. But it's kind of boring and obnoxious. Like, I don't know what. How I'm feeling right now. But it's not like a genuine love for the male species.

So I have been attracted to this guy for a While now. And like, we got to talking, got to chit-chatting, and it. At first, he didn't like show an interest beyond platonic, which was cool. That's fine. I respect that because, you know, he had a girlfriend and everything, but he had drive and he had a business that I was interested in. And., I wanted to be a part of that and. When I saw. What he was doing, I was attracted to it because I've never been around a man who was like. Motivated and driven to do what they want to do and hit their goals in life. I've always managed to meet the ones who are OK with the status quo. You know. I didn't feel like they were going to be a good fit into my life. So, I broke up with them or I never took them seriously.

But then I met this person. We'll just call him Jamie. So, I met him. A long time ago through a friend. And at first, it was a little weird because she and he were dating and I did consider her like a friend for a while, or at least an acquaintance and stuff like that. But in my mind, I didn't really feel like they were a good fit because I know her. As much as I've gotten to know him, he was a lot more. Educated So. It didn't seem like they had a lot to talk about, if that makes sense. But that was not my relationship, so I guess I can't really speak to that.

But Fast forward a couple years later. I'm still seeing him around. And we have been. In the same social events, in the same areas at the same time. So it seemed like a good. Time to, you know, approach him. Especially since me and the girl are no longer close (If we were even close in the first place)

So we have been getting to know each other over the past couple of months. I've expressed interest in his business and I am interested, I actually really do want to invest in his business, but I can't at the moment because of other financial obligations that  I can't seem to get out of, But as we've gotten to know each other. He's mentioned that he has been dating someone and he had. Been for the past year and some change. And he considers her serious. But my question is, how can you consider her serious if you're out here gallivanting with whomever?  So normally not my business, right? But. He seems to believe that, because he is doing “everything” at home, he should be provided the freedom to do whatever he wants with whoever he wants. When I asked him if his girlfriend shared the same sentiment, he responded by telling me no, and he wouldn't bring it up because why would someone put that thought in their woman’s mind?

But MY GUY! And then he sent me this video


So, I agree and disagree with the justification behind this video. One, I don’t think she is talking about a boyfriend, I 100% believe she is talking about a husband in a marriage. I also don’t believe she is talking about breaking the sanctity of marriage and purposefully having multiple relationships or sexual encounters with different women.

She is also very old, so she was alive in the times when women could not survive without a man. So, I understand her mindset. She was also alive during a time when groceries were a nickel.

But I am not that type of woman. If you are sleeping with other women, and you are taking care of everything at home, why can’t I in turn sleep with other men if I am taking care of everything at home?

His response was that women are not prone to sleeping with multiple men. Which I guess is true? But a lot of women after the age of 30 get a “sexual second wind” which their sex drive increases exponentially. A lot of men in their 30s deal with erectile dysfunction issues, so I am not sure if that information is accurate.

Anyway, that is neither here nor there, I really just wanted him for sex, but he seems to think I want a relationship or something from him. He gets upset when I don’t ask how he is and that he always has to ask for sex.

Uh? Yeah? Because I have gotten to know you and I realize that you:

a.       Don’t make any money

b.      Cheat on your girlfriend for whatever reason

c.       Willing to justify bullshit

I don’t know if it's insecurity on his part or something, but I feel like he is run by money, and if he had more money, he wouldn’t have to pimp himself out to women to get it. Whatever it is I fell for the bullshit for a little because I was thinking with my vagina, but now that I think about it. He can’t provide me with anything that I can’t find somewhere else with someone who is willing to be faithful or at least close to it.

 Like, I seriously doubt everything at home is okay, not that it is for me to comment on. But shit doesn't make any sense to me. Are men hunters ALL the time? Does that mean no matter who you decide to spend your life with you will always be sharing him with another woman?


Respectfully- Monster Hunter Rise

I must confess that I am a Monster Hunter fanatic first and foremost! Up until this moment, I had a lot of love for the series. It is for th...